Jill & Liz’s Beautiful Chesterfield Micro Wedding

Love Stories

LGBTQ+ Micro Wedding at Chesterfield Town Hall

Today on the blog, we’re celebrating the love story of Jill and Liz, who tied the knot at the gorgeous Chesterfield registry office. This venue holds a special place in my heart, not just because it’s conveniently located only ten minutes down the road from me, but also because of its stunning architecture. Just look at that building—absolutely breathtaking!

LQBTQIA+ Micro Wedding at Chesterfield Town Hall | CHESTERFIELD PRIDE

Small Weddings BIG love!

We were all hoping for some sunshine, and while it teased us by peeking out occasionally, Jill and Liz came prepared with rainbow umbrellas. And let’s be real, we couldn’t let those fabulous umbrellas go to waste, especially during PRIDE Month!

Jill and Liz opted for my micro wedding package, which is just perfect for smaller, more intimate weddings. It provides just the right amount of time to capture the ceremony, the joyful confetti toss, and some lovely portraits afterward.


LQBTQIA+ Micro Wedding at Chesterfield Town Hall | CHESTERFIELD PRIDE

Chesterfield Wedding Photography

The ceremony itself was filled with so much emotion. Liz had warned me beforehand that she might be a ‘blubbering mess,’ and I assured her that it was perfectly okay to let those emotions flow. And flow they did! It was a beautiful, heartfelt ceremony that even had me tearing up behind the camera. There’s something incredibly touching about witnessing two people declare their love and commitment to each other. It just doesn’t get old.

LQBTQIA+ Micro Wedding at Chesterfield Town Hall | CHESTERFIELD PRIDE

So, congratulations to you, Jill and Liz! You bloody did it, and I couldn’t be happier for you both. Now, as you head off to celebrate at Download Festival, don’t forget those rainbow brollies! Enjoy every moment, and thank you for letting me be a part of your special day.

Cheers to love and happy tears, always.



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